La Policía de Nueva York cae en su Red: Piden fotos de 'polis buenos' y las suben de abusos

Do you have a photo w/ a member of the NYPD? Tweet us & tag it #myNYPD. It may be featured on our Facebook.
— NYPD NEWS (@NYPDnews) April 22, 2014
En poco tiempo el hashtag #myNYPD se convirtió en una tendencia a nivel nacional. En particular, el movimiento Ocupa Wall Street publicó numerosas fotos que reproducían la conducta agresiva de policías.
El Departamento de Policía de Nueva York contestó a la campaña espontánea afirmando que "está creando las nuevas pautas para comunicarse de manera eficaz con la comunidad" agregando que "Twitter proporciona un foro abierto para un intercambio sin censura y este dialogo abierto es por el bien de la ciudad".Do you have a photo w/ a member of the #NYPD? Tweet us & tag it #myNYPD. It may be featured on their Facebook!
— Occupy Wall Street (@OccupyWallStNYC) April 22, 2014
Free Massages from the #NYPD. What does YOUR Police Department offer? Tweet at
— Occupy Wall Street (@OccupyWallStNYC) April 22, 2014
Here the #NYPD engages with its community members, changing hearts and minds one baton at a time.
— Occupy Wall Street (@OccupyWallStNYC) April 22, 2014
#NYPD Keeping the Streets Safe. Show some love, and send your pics with #MyNYPD hashtags!
— Occupy Wall Street (@OccupyWallStNYC) April 22, 2014
The #NYPD will also help you de-tangle your hair.
— Cocky McSwagsalot (@MoreAndAgain) April 22, 2014
"And we're going to have to run you over, just for good measure."
— Casey Aldridge (@CaseyJAldridge) April 22, 2014
A su vez los residentes de Los Angeles empezaron a publicar las evidencia de la brutalidad de la policía local usando el 'hashtag' #myLAPD.Homeless man is having a seizure. #MyNYPD ease his troubles by shooting his dog
— Up the Rebels (@occbaystreet) April 23, 2014
Backlash against #myNYPD social media campaign spills over into user-generated #myLAPD hashtag
— RT America (@RT_America) April 23, 2014